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Social Studies with Mrs. Jamison


Unit 1: Indigenous Cultures of the Americas

Question to Answer: What is a civilization?

Topic 1: Characteristics of Civilization: Students will discuss the 9 characteristics of civilization while using modern-day examples to discuss.

Students have chosen one word to describe the term civilization, like roads and community.













Topic 2: The Aztec Empire: Students will examine various sources from Tenochtitlán, the capital city of the Aztec Empire, to determine advancements made by the Aztec Empire, including social hierarchy, agriculture, markets and job specialization, system of tribute, organized religion, and an organized system of government, and to understand how those advancements exemplify the characteristics of civilization.

Topic 3: The Indigenous cultures of the Amercias: Students will conduct small-group research on the Aztec, Incan, Mayan, and Omec civiliziations.  Then, independent research on indigenous peoples of the Americas to include Native American tribes of North America.  They will do this to identify characteristics of civilization exemplified by the various groups. Students also compare and contrast early American civilizations and make connections between where a civilization was located and the differences in their characteristics.